Client : Institut de valorisation des données Year : 2018 Budget : 505 000 $ Area : 600 square meters Location : Montréal, QC

Interior spaces planning

The objective of the Institute specialized in the field of Artificial Intelligence Data Science is to create spaces for exchange and sharing.

The design, carried out at 6666 St-Urbain Street initially dedicated to the textile industry, covers an area of more than 600 m2 and includes some thirty collaborative work stations. The objective of the Data Valuation Institute (IVADO) is to encourage the exchange and sharing of knowledge between specialists, private sector partners, researchers and students in its network, all in the field of data science and artificial intelligence.
Our conceptual approach was to optimize the views to the outside and to maximize the access to natural light.
The enclosed spaces are organized in two lateral rows and those located in the centre are in an open area. This means that even closed offices, all with glazed partitions, benefit from natural light and views.
Photo credits : Yves Lacombe
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